Flat Earth Interview with Rich Tidwell, Matt Long and Chuck Marunde
This flat earth video is definitely worth watching, because it accomplishes several things at once that most people want in...
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This flat earth video is definitely worth watching, because it accomplishes several things at once that most people want in...
Dr. John MacArthur did say, "I’m not a scientist, so I have to trust the scientists."? The context of his...
Dr. Danny Faulkner joined the NathanOakley1980 show and discussed the cosmology of the Earth, and admitted that the Earth as...
What does the Bible say about flat earth? Plenty, and the many verses that describe God's creation of the heavens...
This is an excellent rebuttal and argument about this plan to go to Antartica to prove the Earth is not...
This video is a discussion of the flat Earth creation from a biblical perspective, and every christian should be familiar...
These 16 videos are testimonies of people who share how they came to understand God's true creation story, and for...
The Biblical Cosmology Community now has a private community online where believers can ask questions, share answers, post events and...
This is part 8 of Pastory Ray McBerry's wonderful video series on flat earth biblical and scientific proofs. This is...
If proof of flat earth is something you want, then here it is. This incredible video is more proof of...
“Then God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.’ Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.” Genesis 1:6-8
Join us in this exciting pursuit to learn what God tells us in the Bible about the creation of the earth!
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© 2022 Biblical Cosmology - Unveiling The Story of God's Creation.